Over the last 15 years, Watford City has been at the center of U.S. energy production, unleashed through the extraction of Bakken oil and natural gas. As a result, the community has experienced one of the largest population growths by percentage in the U.S. during that same period. As we continue to grow and evolve, we are looking at new opportunities for development and redevelopment in the community.
Thanks to a recent Rural Facility Planning Grant awarded from the ND Department of Commerce, we are currently creating a redevelopment plan and vision for three underutilized areas within the city. The goal of this plan is to drive developer interest and investment in overlooked areas, increase residential and commercial tax base in the community, provide needed critical infrastructure (such as housing and critical services) and provide additional quality-of-life amenities for residents.
You can help shape the future of Watford City by taking the survey to share your redevelopment vision. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, and your responses are confidential. Scan the QR Code above or click here to take the survey.